The Fish of Xcalak
A real opportunity for a Grand Slam
Xcalak is an absolute dream destination for avid saltwater fly fisherman, especially for those who are eager to catch permit. The crystal-clear waters of the Caribbean Sea surrounding Xcalak are ideal for sight fishing. It takes skill, patience, and a keen eye, but it's an experience that any angler will cherish. Permit are known for their speed and elusive nature, making them one of the most challenging fish to catch on a fly rod. But the satisfaction of landing a permit is unparalleled, which is why it's one of the most prized catches among fly fishermen. Whether you're an experienced angler or a beginner looking to try your hand at fly fishing, Xcalak is the perfect destination for an unforgettable fishing adventure. You'll be amazed by the natural beauty of the surroundings, and the opportunity to catch a Grand Slam - permit, bonefish, and tarpon all in one day - is something that every angler dreams of. So pack your bags, grab your gear, and get ready for an adventure of a lifetime in Xcalak.

Permit, AKA "Palometa"
If you're really serious about catching Permit during the week of your trip we recommend bringing two 9-10 wt rods, 1 with an intermediate sink tip like the Rio flats pro stealth tip and one with floating line. 16-20 lb fluorocarbon leader and size 2-8 flies. The permit really seem to like mantis shrimp patterns, becks fleeing crabs, ragheads, and strong arm merkins, baby lobster, and flexos, but having a wide variety of permit flies in white, tan, and olive will help. We typically fish very shallow for our permit so very light landing flies are a must, beadchain and small lead eyes are typically our go-to.

Bonefish AKA "Macabi"
When it comes to bonefishing, having the right equipment can make all the difference. We highly recommend using a 7-8 weight rod with a floating line and a 12-16 lb fluorocarbon leader. As for flies, size 6 and 8 are ideal for bonefish. These beautiful and elusive fish can be quite the challenge to catch, but with the right gear and techniques, they can be a rewarding catch for any angler.

Tarpon, AKA "Sabilo"
Early morning fishing along the mangrove edges and lagoons is the best time to catch tarpon. With the right equipment and a bit of luck, you'll be able to hook one of these magnificent fish and create unforgettable memories in Xcalak.
We typically suggest an 8-9wt rod and 20-40lb tippet to have the best chances

Jack, Snook, Barracuda, and MORE!
On the daily we see Barracuda and Snook on the flats. Along the patch reefs and coral heads you will find triggerfish ready to chase a fly. In the fall and winter months we see snook in the lagoons and along the beach feeding on bait. There are a ton of snapper and other reef fish that will give a good tug on your line throughout the day. It’s completely up to you what species you would like to target for the day and here in Xcalak we have a wide variety of species to go after!